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The Bass Rock in Blackcurrant Sorbet

The Bass Rock in Blackcurrant Sorbet

Got really lucky with the lovely light on the Bass Rock.

The following are all the shots from the same outing.

August 2011, The Leithies

The trip to The Leithies in North Berwick was with a specific shot in mind. I'd recently been out doing some Image Averaging test shots for the tutorial I wrote. One of the comments on Flickr suggested a crop with Just the Bass Rock - Sadly that'd have ment loosing far too many pixels - the image was already square cropped. So it meant re-shooting.

So there I was, too cheap to pay the £2 entry into Seacliff, unable to find somewhere to park to go down to Canty Bay and intimidated by the "Geroff Moi Land" signs near Castleton that I decided to go back to The Leithies instead.

Spent about an hour and a half there till just after sunset.

What is odd is I took 9 distinct shots and all 9 where deemed worthy of processing. There's a couple I'm not particularly excited about and they are all a bit samey but it was definately a better hit rate than my usual.



Capture Date Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 8:05 PM Camera Make/Model
Lens Make/Model
Field of View / Focal Length 75mm Aperture f/14
Shutter Speed 101s ISO 200
Subject Distance 4294967295m Metering Pattern
White Balance Automatic
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